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News About SCS
Certification for Louisiana blue crab
THREE thousand Louisiana blue crab fishermen have earned the right to tell buyers and consumers across the country that the Louisiana blue crab fishery is now MSC certified.
The independent, third-party certification body, Scientific…
Good for You, Good for the Planet?
While pondering the many choices I have to make when buying tomatoes—How important is it to buy local? Is it worth it to buy organic? Should I even considered canned?—I started to wonder whether the interests of my body and the environment…
Hasbro Unveils Comprehensive Paper Procurement Policy as Part of Ongoing Commitment to Industry Leadership in Environmental Sustainability
(NASDAQ:HAS) today unveiled a new Paper and Forest Procurement Policy (PFPP) intended to ensure that procurement…
Fafard earns Veriflora certification
Conrad Fafard Inc., a subsidiary of Syngenta, has received Veriflora certification for responsible horticultural peat moss production and peatlands management, allowing it to begin offering certified peat moss products. The Veriflora…
Purpose-Driven Toy Brand Melissa & Doug Formalizes Its Sustainability Strategy with Forestry at the Forefront
Melissa & Doug, the toy company known for its more than 30-year commitment to open-ended play through its mostly wooden toys, announced today a major new sustainability initiative focused on both environmental and social measures. The…